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How to Impress Recruiters by Your LinkedIn Profile?

How to Impress Recruiters by Your LinkedIn Profile?

Achieving a dream job is everyone's dream. A life that gives satisfaction is a stress-free mind, designation with a good salary package, comfortable living, happy moments with loved ones. What else does anyone want?? But have you ever wondered that how one can achieve a dream job? Scrolling Instagram or reading memes on it. Absolutely no!! It is your LinkedIn profile that can help you achieve it in the nick of time. All you need to do is be updated on LinkedIn and maintain your profile effectively.

Well, in this critical situation, no one knows what circumstances can happen tomorrow so, if you want a safe and secure future, you must ensure to get on the right path. Instead of wasting time on social media, you must work on your LinkedIn profile. Build your profile in such a way that attracts recruiters automatically. Now, the main question is how? What is the right way to land a dream job? Read this blog to know how you can land your dream job without struggling here and there. It contains all the main pointers to achieve the dream job.

Let's take a read.

Upload a Professional Photo:

First and foremost, you have to post a photo that must be professional as per your job profile. A professional photograph attracts recruiters, and it makes them click on your profile for the particular job profile. Your photo reflects your etiquettes and purpose. You must ensure that:

  • It should be in color.
  • It must be a headshot only.
  • A professional photo doesn't mean family or holiday pictures.
  • The dress code must be formal as it is a professional app.

Use Right Words:

It is crucial to use the right words due to which recruiters will find you for the job. Suppose, if a recruiter is looking for an SEO executive, what he/she will type on LinkedIn? If your profile contains those words, then there are more chances to have the highest number of views of call of action on your profile. It will definitely lead you to land your dream job. Also, you must ensure that those keywords have to be spattered into the headline, summary, and experience section.

Create a Catchy Headline:

The crucial thing that shows on your profile is your headline so, it is mandatory to make a catchy headline that describes you effectively like, what you do, what you are, etc. It must be in 120 characters so, use this opportunity wisely instead of writing your previous job description in it. It must include the words that target your dream job.

Summary - A Key to Success!

Every recruiter looks at the summary of the candidate. It helps them to get the right candidate for the job profile. So, you must introduce yourself concisely that grabs the reader's attention and make him read the whole summary. Ensure whatever you write must reflect your vision, core qualities, and professional skills. Do not forget to end your content by having an answer to the question of why recruiters must hire you. It should be to the point and uniquely described.

Include the Contact Details:

Sometimes, it happens that recruiters find the perfect candidate for the vacancy but unable to contact him because of an incomplete profile. Well, yes, it is a small thing but quite important too. It helps the recruiters to connect with you and share his/her interest in your profile. You can get the opportunity of having the offer letter of your dream job in your hand by adding your contact details.

Add Visual Media/Work Samples:

Recruiters find the profile more interesting when they get photos, videos, presentations, work samples, etc. It helps to know the caliber of the candidate and practical knowledge of the particular department. And will make your profile more compelling and impressive to read. It is mandatory to spice up your profile and add an appealing factor to attract the recruiter to get your desire job. 

Make More Connections:

It is the magical power of LinkedIn that you can connect with people in the world in just a single click. You will get connected with people who have more knowledge, experience, and details regarding professional life.

Summing Up!!

These are the tips that you have to follow to make your profile impressive. If in case you are having issues writing your resume or making a perfect LinkedIn profile, then do avail the Riz resume Linkedin Profile Writing Services. The experts here build up the ultimate profile at a budget-friendly price.